Abbreviations used
BOEL | Binding Occupational Exposure Limits (BOELs). |
CAS number | The CAS number is the unique identification number for chemical and biological substances. CAS stands for Chemical Abstracts Service. |
Ceiling limit | Maximum permitted value. |
CMR / S | CMR substances are carcinogenic, mutagenic or harmful to reproduction. S stands for sensitising: can cause allergies. |
DMEL | Derived Minimal Effect Level (DMEL). The OEL below which the risk of cancer is considered acceptable. |
DNEL | Derived No-Effect Level. The value above which people should not be exposed to the chemical. |
EU number | EU identification number for chemicals. |
GR | Health Council of the Netherlands [Gezondheidsraad]. |
GSW | Occupational Exposure Limits for Substances in the Workplace or Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits for Substances in the Workplace. |
Skin notation | Substances with a skin notation can be easily absorbed by the skin. |
IOEL | International Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs). |
ISO name | Standard name of the substance. Refers to the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO). |
MAC values | MAC stands for Maximum Acceptable Concentrations. This term was used in the system prior to 1 January 2007. |
OCR | Public Draft Report [Openbaar Concept Rapport] (of the Health Council of the Netherlands) |
REACH | European Union regulation for the protection of the environment and human health. REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. |
SCOEL | Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (EU). |
SZW | Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment [Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid]. |
TWA-8h | a time-weighted average for the eight-hour working day. |
TWA-15min | a time-weighted average for a period of 15 minutes. |