Does the SER involve groups other than employers, employees and Crown members in the preparation of an advisory report?
Yes, because when the Council deals with topics that fall outside the traditional socio-economic domain, the contribution of groups other than those directly represented within the Council can be highly relevant, with the advisory report that is produced gaining in both quality and support. Organisations that offer a particular perspective on the field concerned, or that represent a specific interest, can be brought in when an advisory report is being prepared within a committee. For example, the committee can consult with such organisations by means of a hearing, a panel discussion, written consultation, interviews, or a working visit; this is in fact done on a regular basis. Certain organisations can also become ad hoc committee members (for a specific project) and assist in the preparation of the advisory report. Another option is for organisations to become regular members of a committee, meaning that they are then basically involved in all advisory projects in the policy field concerned. The Dutch Consumers Association [Consumentenbond], for example, is a member of the Committee for Consumer Affairs, while nature conservation and environmental organisations are members of the Committee for Sustainable Development and the Committee for Spatial Planning and Accessibility.